Easy Ways on How to Save A Marriage

1 06 2009

Many people are having a hard time saving their marriages, well, we could not blame them.. it’s really hard.  Saving a marriage from divorce is one of the hardest part of marriage.  But saving a marriage, if you and your partner still have love for each other and you want to save your marriage.. is just easy.. though, not fast.  It will take time, you need to work on it.. both of you in the relationship, should work on it.

As we all know, marriage is a working relationship.  Communication should always be there.  If you didn’t had that constant communication on your marriage, then now is the right time to do it.  Talk and listen.  If you think there is something that you should talk about in your relationship, talk about it.  A very nice approach will end to a very healthy and nice talk.  Treat your partner as your friend (with benefits?), talk to him/her like your talking to your friend.. like you’re just hanging out and enjoying each others’ company.

Always make a way to spend some quality time with your partner.  Being busy at work or at home, doing all the household chores or taking care of your children, is not an excuse to not to give time to your partner.  Spending times every week, once a week is enough to communicate and check each other.  Rekindle your relationship by setting up dates.  It doesn’t have to an expensive, a simple dinner date, a walk to a park, or going to your special places before, when you were just starting your relationship.

Leaving a romantic note, saying I Love You in your most romantic way.. who will not blush like a teenager if you heard it from your love one?  Anyone would.. wouldn’t you?

Marriage counseling is a big help too.  Although we sometimes hear that it doesn’t work, it actually depends on how you will take it.  If you trust your marriage counselor, and will obey or listen to every advice he/she will give you.. he/she could help you save your marriage.  Saving your marriage mostly depends on you.  On how you will work on it, on how eager you are, and on how much love you have for your love partner.

How to save a marriage that’s about to fall apart?

12 01 2009

Marriage is the institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family.

It’s so heartbreaking to see that a marriage will just end after the long time of taking care of it.  The fact that filing for divorce is not usually the solution,  it just may cause extreme confusion to your children, and we don’t want that to happen.  Now, how are you gonna save your marriage?

If you and your partner are both commited to save your relationship, you can always seek for a professional help.  Aside from marriage counseling, there are other ways on how to save your marriage.

  • Learn to realize that there’s no such thing as a perfect marriage.  Every relationship has it’s own problems and yet there are solutions to every problems.  A couple who’s dreaming of a perfect marriage or perfect relationship is living on a fairy tale, which all we know does not exist.  You just have to learn how to fix your problems, and do it together.
  • Communicate.  It is very important in a relationship especially in marriage.  Have yourselves time to talk about the relationship, and as much as possible, forget about blaming and confronting each other, you had done all that.
  • Learn how to compromise with your partner.  It is one of the key component of a healthy relationship, especially in marriage.  It’s a give-and-take relationship that each party should learn.
  • The Commitment.  When you entered a relationship, there’s a commitment bonded.  Commitment plays the biggest role in your relationship.  Everything will be of no use if one of you is not interested at all.

Saving a marriage always depends on both parties, if both of you are really into it, then you can still save it.  Remember that you should always think of your children first before you, their future should not be at risk.